Are you ready to step into the battlegrounds of Smite armed with the mightiest of gods? Look no further as we unveil the definitive Smite Tier List for 2024, guiding you from the realms of divinity to victory in the digital arena. Developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios, Smite continues to captivate players with its blend of mythological lore and intense MOBA action. With over 100 gods at your disposal, choosing the right deity can mean the difference between conquest and defeat.
Understanding the Tier System
Before delving into the ranks of gods, it’s crucial to grasp the tier system that categorizes them. Divided into five tiers – SS, S, A, B, and C – each tier represents the power and effectiveness of the gods within it.
- SS-Tier: These gods reign supreme, dictating the current meta and offering unparalleled dominance on the battlefield.
- S-Tier: Close on the heels of the SS-Tier, these gods possess formidable abilities and strength, making them highly sought after.
- A-Tier: Masters of strategic gameplay will find these gods invaluable, offering solid performance and the potential for skillful advancement.
- B-Tier: While not as potent as their higher-tier counterparts, gods in this category still hold their own and can contribute to victory.
- C-Tier: The weakest among the pantheon, these gods struggle to make an impact and are best avoided by seasoned players.
Ascending the Ranks: Smite Tier List 2024
- SS-Tier
- Odin – The Allfather’s might knows no bounds as he leads the charge with warrior prowess.
- Arachne – This cunning assassin weaves a web of death, ensnaring foes with deadly precision.
- Agni – Master of fire, Agni rains down destruction upon his enemies, leaving ashes in his wake.
- Yemoja – Protector of the seas, Yemoja shields her allies while unleashing tidal waves of power.
- Kukulkan – The feathered serpent commands the winds, delivering devastating storms upon his foes.
- Tsukuyomi – Swift and deadly, Tsukuyomi strikes fear into the hearts of his adversaries with lethal precision.
- Cthulhu – From the depths of madness, Cthulhu rises, spreading chaos and despair across the battlefield.
- Set – Master of trickery, Set manipulates his foes with cunning strategy and swift strikes.
- King Arthur – Legendary knight of Camelot, King Arthur wields Excalibur with unmatched skill and valor.
- S-Tier
- Thor – God of thunder, Thor descends from the heavens, wielding Mjolnir to smite his foes.
- Jing Wei – Swift and agile, Jing Wei soars through the skies, raining down arrows upon her enemies.
- Bakasura – Devourer of gods, Bakasura feasts upon his foes, growing stronger with each kill.
- Shiva – Embodiment of destruction, Shiva crushes all who stand in his path with relentless force.
- Freya – Mistress of magic, Freya commands the arcane, unleashing spells of immense power.
- Mulan – Warrior of legend, Mulan fights with honor and determination, inspiring her allies to victory.
- Athena – Goddess of wisdom, Athena shields her allies with divine protection, guiding them to triumph.
- Hera – Queen of the gods, Hera commands respect and authority, bending lesser beings to her will.
- Susano – Tempest of the storm, Susano unleashes fury upon his enemies, leaving destruction in his wake.
- Ah Puch – Lord of the undead, Ah Puch spreads pestilence and decay, consuming all who oppose him.
- Heimdallr – Guardian of the Bifrost, Heimdallr watches over the realms, striking down threats with unerring aim.
- A-Tier
- Hercules – Hero of legend, Hercules embodies strength and courage, facing adversity head-on.
- Ares – God of war, Ares leads his allies into battle, instilling fear in the hearts of his enemies.
- Ishtar – Goddess of love and war, Ishtar fights with passion and determination, protecting those she holds dear.
- Terra – Earth mother, Terra nurtures life and shields her allies from harm, grounding them in strength.
- Pele – Goddess of fire, Pele burns with fierce intensity, consuming all who dare to oppose her.
- Zeus – King of the gods, Zeus commands the heavens, hurling lightning bolts at his foes with divine wrath.
- Ganesha – Remover of obstacles, Ganesha guides his allies to victory, clearing the path with divine grace.
- Maui – Demigod of the sea, Maui rides the waves with mastery, unleashing tidal forces upon his enemies.
- Persephone – Queen of the underworld, Persephone commands the spirits of the dead, ensnaring her enemies in eternal torment.
- Vamana – Dwarf of destiny, Vamana grows to immense size, crushing his enemies beneath his colossal form.
- Ravana – Demon king, Ravana wields dark power with ruthless efficiency, striking fear into the hearts of mortals.
- Da Ji – The nine-tailed fox, Da Ji sows chaos and discord, leading her enemies into traps of her own making.
- Rama – Divine archer, Rama’s arrows pierce the heavens, striking down foes with unerring accuracy.
- Discordia – Goddess of strife, Discordia revels in chaos, sowing discord among friend and foe alike.
- Fenrir – Beast of Ragnarok, Fenrir hunts the battlefield, devouring all who stand in his path.
- B-Tier
- Achilles – Hero of the Trojan War, Achilles fights with unmatched skill and ferocity, carving a path of destruction.
- Izanami – Goddess of death, Izanami wields the power of the underworld, striking fear into the hearts of mortals.
- Lancelot – Knight of Camelot, Lancelot fights with chivalry and honor, defending the weak and vanquishing evil.
- Bellona – Goddess of war, Bellona leads her allies into battle, wielding an arsenal of weapons with deadly precision.
- Atlas – Titan of strength, Atlas bears the weight of the world upon his shoulders, crushing all who oppose him.
- The Morrigan – Phantom queen, The Morrigan shrouds herself in darkness, striking from the shadows with deadly precision.
- He Bo – God of the Yellow River, He Bo commands the waters, flooding the battlefield with unstoppable force.
- Medusa – Gorgon queen, Medusa turns her enemies to stone with a single glance, freezing them in terror.
- Chronos – Keeper of time, Chronos bends the fabric of reality, manipulating time itself to his advantage.
- Khepri – Scarab god, Khepri shields his allies with unbreakable armor, standing as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.
- C-Tier
- Kali – Goddess of destruction, Kali wields dual scimitars with deadly precision, striking fear into the hearts of mortals.
- Amaterasu – Goddess of the sun, Amaterasu radiates divine light, illuminating the battlefield with her presence.
- Charybdis – Whirlpool of chaos, Charybdis draws her enemies into the depths, consuming them in a vortex of destruction.
- Bacchus – God of wine, Bacchus revels in drunken revelry, stumbling across the battlefield with unpredictable ferocity.
- Hades – King of the underworld, Hades commands the dead, summoning spirits to do his bidding with chilling efficiency.
- Nu Wa – Guardian of heaven and earth, Nu Wa weaves reality itself, shaping the world to her will with divine power.
- Xing Tian – Immortal warrior, Xing Tian fights with unyielding determination, refusing to be defeated even in death.
- Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, Artemis stalks her prey with lethal precision, striking with the fury of a wild beast.
- Anubis – God of the dead, Anubis ushers souls into the afterlife, wielding dark magic with terrifying expertise.
Master Your Destiny
Whether you seek the raw power of an SS-Tier god or the strategic depth of an A-Tier deity, the Smite Tier List 2024 provides the roadmap to victory. But remember, true mastery lies not only in the choice of your god but in the skill and tactics you employ on the battlefield. So, gather your allies, hone your abilities, and ascend to greatness in the divine arena of Smite.
Make sure to bookmark this page as we’ll continue to update the Smite Tier List to reflect the ever-shifting currents of the meta. Until then, may the gods favor your journey as you conquer the battlegrounds of Smite.
What is the Smite Tier List?
The Smite Tier List is a ranking system that categorizes gods and goddesses in the game based on their overall strength, effectiveness, and viability in various game modes. It serves as a guide for players to understand which characters are currently considered top-tier picks and which ones may be less optimal choices.
How is the Smite Tier List determined?
The Smite Tier List is typically determined by analyzing factors such as a god’s win rate, pick rate, ban rate, performance in professional matches, community feedback, and adjustments made by the game developers. These factors help assess a god’s impact on the game and their relative strength compared to other characters.
What are the tiers in the Smite Tier List?
The tiers in the Smite Tier List usually include categories like S Tier (top tier), A Tier (strong picks), B Tier (viable picks), C Tier (average picks), and D Tier (less viable picks). Gods are placed into these tiers based on their perceived power level and effectiveness in gameplay.
How often is the Smite Tier List updated?
The Smite Tier List is typically updated periodically to reflect changes in the game’s meta, balance patches, new god releases, and shifts in player preferences and strategies. Updates may occur monthly, bi-monthly, or after significant changes in the game’s mechanics.
Can the Smite Tier List vary between different game modes?
Yes, the Smite Tier List can vary between different game modes such as Conquest, Arena, Joust, and Assault. Some gods may perform exceptionally well in one mode but struggle in another due to differences in map layout, team compositions, and gameplay dynamics. Players should consider these factors when consulting the tier list for specific game modes.